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Michigan Knight Masons Inaugural State Wide Assembly & Trinity Sunday Observance

Michigan Knight Masons Inaugural State Wide Assembly & Trinity Sunday Observance

Trinity Council gathers every year to observe Trinity Sunday. This year the other councils of Knight Masons will join us to confer the degrees on our several candidates and enjoy food and fellowship in the spirit of Irish Masonry.

Schedule for the Day, SUNDAY, June 4th, Lansing Masonic Temple

9:30 am Candidate Registration

10:30 am Council of Knight Masons opening (St. Gobban Saer #131)

10:35 am Knight of the Sword (Tully Cross Council #131, Grand Rapids)

11:30 am Knight of the East (Trinity Council #36, Detroit)

12:30 pm Knight of the East & West (St. Gobban Saer Council #130, Lansing)

1:35 p.m. Remarks

1:55 p.m.  Closing of a Council of Knight Masons (St. Gobban Saer #131)

Dress: Suit and Tie, Knight Mason Apron Sword and Sash

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