The Procedures of Knight Masonry
An Overview
Some basic information on Knight Masonry:
Membership is by invitation only. Petitioners for admission into this Order shall be Royal Arch Masons in good standing in both the Lodge and the Chapter.
Elections in a Council shall be by unanimous vote.
Plural and Dual memberships are permitted with full rights and privileges in each Council in which membership is held, except that the same Knight Mason shall not be an Excellent Chief in two Councils at the same time.
There shall be no jurisdictional limits within a State, and a Council shall not accept an application from anyone in another State where there is a Council except by waiver of jurisdiction.
All Past Excellent Chiefs, Excellent Chiefs, and sitting Senior and Junior Knights shall constitute the Grand Council. However, except for the offices of Grand Scribe and Grand Treasurer, only Past Excellent Chiefs may hold office in the Grand Council. All other members of Councils shall be entitled to a seat in the Grand Council but without voice or vote. The M. E. Great Chief must receive two-thirds of the votes cast for election and the other officers a majority. In subordinate Councils, a majority vote constitutes election of all officers. There are to be no proxies.